5 DIY Prom Accessories

Neon Necklace Instructions

Get the Look:
1. Take a cheap ornamental necklace, like one from Forever 21 or a thrift store, and decide which parts of the necklace will be painted.
2. Use painter’s tape to tape off the parts of the necklace you don’t want painted. Make sure the tape is on tight, especially on the edges.
3. Go to a well-ventilated area, and lay the necklace on a drop cloth or piece of newspaper. Spray paint the parts not covered in the tape.
4. Wait 20 minutes, and spray paint the necklace again. You can keep adding layers until you can’t see the original metal/color underneath.
5. Leave the necklace for a couple of hours to make sure the color is completely dry.
6. Once dry, take off the painter’s tape. If done correctly, those parts should have none of the spray paint on them. Now it’s ready to wear.

Next: See the necklace on a model

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