13 Must-Have Wardrobe Essentials

Essential No. 13: Your getaway gear

You’re all set for work and nights out, but what happens when your friend scores a last-minute rate on a funky beach hotel? You grab your weekend essentials and hit the road, that’s what.

In your overnight bag: a colorful coverup for the pool or beach, cute beach shoes (Inlander says to think beyond flip flops and try jellies or cool sandals), a sun hat, a bathing suit you love (you can dress it up with jewelry for extra flair), and a great sundress that can go from day to night.

One last style tip from Inlander: don’t wear high heels with your sundress; it looks like you’re trying to hard. Instead, go for a pair of wedges or low-heeled sandals for the perfect “I look fabulous without trying” vibe.

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