Quiz: What Accessory Are You?

As you know by now, BeautyRiot.com is not your average beauty, hair, and fashion website. No, we’re a little different, a little quirky. For example, we believe you have an accessory personality. (UFOs and unicorns? We’re still on the fence.) In fact, we believe that your habits, traits, and style sense can be distilled into a perfect, single accessory. And chances are you’re wearing that accessory right now.

To test our theory, we’ll need you to take this little personality quiz, beginning right below. (No finger pricks or DNA analysis is required at this time.) Then, we’ll do some hard computations and present you with your very own accessory personality. And that’s not the only thing you’ll get … how about super cool expert fashion advice?

It’s true. You’ll find out what our experts, fashion stylist Stephanie Rygorsky, and Susan J. Ashbrook, author of Will Work for Shoes, had to say about your fashion accessory personality, and get their accessory style tips.

But to get those goodies, you have to start the quiz, right now. (The talent portion will begin after question eight.)
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