Hair Extensions: The Real Deal

What to expect

As long as you take good care of your extensions (more on that on the next slide), you can expect professional ones to last at least a month. But how long really depends on the method used to put them in, Jeanne says.

If you go with silicone beads only, they’ll last a month or two max. Skin wefts also last about that long. If you use tracks of hair they will last about two months (they’re less damaging than individuals, but don’t last as long). Keratin bonds will last three to six months, however Jeanne recommends going no more than five months, because at that point your real hair will have grown and the extensions can twist and pull on them, damaging your hair.

Jeanne says that often “people get addicted, when they remove [their extensions] they want to immediately put them back in.” And she says that you can keep putting them back in, as long as you treat them right. “The bonds don’t hurt the hair, it’s what you do with it,” she says.

Sometimes people think they are losing hair when their extensions are removed. Jeanne explains why: “Normally you shed 80 to 100 pieces of hair a day, and that still happens, but they don’t fall completely out when you have extensions. So when you take the extensions out it looks like you’re losing a lot of hair but you’re not, it’s just the build up of all that hair for a month or two.” Whew, that’s a relief.

Next: Taking care of business

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