Top 10 Prom Nail Art How-tos

Lovely Lace

Consider this a multi-media nail art design. You’ll need a scrap piece of lace, along with your usual nail polish necessities. Here’s how to get the look:

1. Before you begin, take a scrap of lace and cut out pieces that match the size and shape of each of your nails. (This is the most time-consuming part, we promise!)
2. Apply a base coat to your nails.
3. Next, paint on two coats of a pink nail polish, or whatever color matches your prom outfit.
4. Once dry, apply a clear top coat. Before the top coat has a chance to dry, place a piece of pre-cut lace on top of the nail. Trim off any extra lace that doesn’t fit the nail.
5. Swipe on another layer of top coat to firmly fix the lace in place. Continue this process with the rest of your nails.

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