Acne Sucks, Get Rid of It Here

Know your enemy

Acne when you’re a teen usually comes from Exxon-worthy oil production, but as you get a little older it’s usually hormonal, Day says. It also tends to migrate down from your forehead to your chin (so bangs-as-cover-up is no longer an option).

Pay attention to when those zits pop up (when you’re PMSing perhaps?) and try a pre-emptive strike (a.k.a. extra applications of zit zappers or an oil-sucking mask) the next month.

Another cause for acne: stress (so calm down already). Keeping up with those Pilates classes and heading to bed before 2 a.m. every so often will help beat stress and pimples. Gross also says vitamin B can calm you down (well, your skin at least).

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