13 Secrets from Photo Shoots

Tailoring on the fly

It always looks like clothes in magazines were made specifically for the model or actress; they fit so well. But Prommer says, “When you see a great photo of a celebrity on the cover of a magazine, you’d be surprised to know that in many cases, if they turned around there would be an array of clips and pins across their back making their clothing look more fitted.”

Since magazines will get sample sizes of clothes, they may not always fit the girl meant to wear them. Prommer revealed some other tricks of the trade: “Double-sided tape is a necessity on a fashion shoot, and is used for everything from keeping plunging necklines from exposing too much to hemming pants on a moment’s notice. I always keep a few pieces of Hollywood Fashion Tape in my handbag as well, in case I need to fix a gaping buttonhole or keep my bra strap from showing.”

We say, if you have the time, get it tailored. But if you’re running out the door and realize your jeans are way too long for your shoes — tape works like a charm.

Next: Models weren’t born with soft lips

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