What Guys Think of Your Makeup

No. 6: Dark red lips and minimal eye makeup

Here’s how guys ranked this look on a scale of 1 to 10

Sexiness: 5

How likely they are to talk to her/ask her out: 5

Here’s what they had to say:

The good: “Va-Va-Voom with those lips!” “Seems like the perfect look for really dressing up and going out. But not too formal.” “Old fashioned and classic.” “It’s sexy and approachable but not too scary.”

The bad: “Honestly, I just don’t want to be wiping off lipstick from my lips. Doesn’t taste that great.” “Grandma makeup.” “That’s fine for the red carpet, but not my cuppa tea.”

The just plain weird: “Looks like a man. Seriously. The lipstick especially exaggerates the masculine effect like 10 times over by highlighting her masculine features and taking away from her womanly ones.”

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