Street Style: New York Edition

I know what she’s up to the moment I see her. Wearing those ridiculous nine-inch stilettos. Pacing back and forth outside a tent at Fashion Week. Tripping over her own feet every time she turns. Coming thisclose to falling and breaking her neck.

Why is this girl strutting like a wannabe Carrie Bradshaw? She wants to get photographed. And she’s not the only girl looking for fashion fame. There’s a throng of them who show up at Fashion Week wearing ridiculous, over-the-top outfits, waiting outside Lincoln Center in the freezing cold, hoping to get their picture taken. There’s even a name for them — they’re called Lens Lurkers.

In fact, Lens Lurkers have added a whole new dimension to Fashion Week. It used to be all about the fashion shows, runway trends, and what goes on inside Lincoln Center (and to be fair, it still is to some people). But thanks to these girls, there’s a much more entertaining show going on outside.

Click here to see our entire Fashion Week street style gallery.

While there were a ton of crazy-fashionable girls to choose from, I narrowed it down to the top 20 looks. My only requirement? That she had a unique, statement-making sense of style and was able to take a fashion risk without making a fool of herself. Trust me, it’s a lot harder than it sounds — especially when you’re surrounded by hundreds of other girls who will do anything to get photographed.

Keep clicking for some great pictures from Fashion Week and real girl fashion tips on how to get each look (or a tamer version) in this gallery.

Photographers: Lauren Jack, Tyreek Deveaux, and Natalie Eichengreen