Readers Share Their Oily Hair Tips

oily hair skip shampoo washing hair

Tip No. 7: Skip a wash (or two)

“I only wash my hair every other day.” — Melisa M.

Here’s why it works: “Over-shampooing and an oily scalp go hand-in-hand,” says Scarbrough. That’s because the more you shampoo, the more oil your scalp produces to try to rehydrate your hair. Simply put: If you have oily hair, you shouldn’t be washing your hair every day.

If you’re an every day washer, start by skipping just two days a week. On the days you don’t wash your hair, use a natural bristled brush to move those oils to the ends of your hair where they’re needed. “In a few short months, you’ll see less oil production once your hair stabilizes and gets used to skipping an everyday wash,” says Scarbrough.