Stylish Ways to De-Clutter

“Can you try and clear off the kitchen table?” my boyfriend asks for the eighth time this week. I look over at the mess — five nail polishes, a bag of cotton balls, three mascaras, six lip balms, a curling iron, a can of hairspray, and two bottles of shower gel. Oh, and four fashion magazines.

OK. I’m woman enough to admit it: I have a beauty clutter problem. But it comes with the job. And while I love testing the latest beauty products, they unfortunately don’t just disappear into thin air after I use them. They need to go somewhere. Right now, somewhere seems to be the kitchen table, which means boyfriend and I spend most nights eating dinner at the coffee table. So not ideal.

Click here for creative and stylish ways to de-clutter your beauty closet.

I would love to de-clutter, but whenever I think of organization, I imagine clear plastic bins with labels attached. I guess that works, but it’s just so boring … and ugly. Besides, some beauty products are actually fun to look at, like perfume bottles and colorful eyeshadow palettes. Why hide them in a drawer or in a bin under the bed?

But with my boyfriend threatening to move out, I decide it’s time to tackle this clutter problem. Luckily, there’s a bunch of crafty people on the web who know a thing or two about stylish organization, whether it’s for makeup, accessories, or hair tools. If I get started now, I think I might have the kitchen table cleaned up in an afternoon — or, alright, more like a week. Ready to join me?

Click here for the top 10 creative ways to de-clutter your beauty closet.