10 Summery Beauty Products

What does summer smell like? Look like? Feel like? Chances are the words “coconut,” “tropical,” “beach,” “sand,” “bright,” and “colorful” came to mind. At least that’s what we think of when we think summer. Of course, the season is just around the corner, so it’s not hard to get into the summery spirit. But what about the other times of year, when summer seems as distant as the sun?

We have good news. We found 10 beauty products to put you in the summery mood no matter where you are and what the season. That means, as you watch the snow drifts pile up against your window, just a spritz of one of our summer fragrance picks will transport you onto a Caribbean beach, while a certain body scrub will leave your skin silky and smooth, ready to be sun kissed.

Click here for the top 10 summer beauty products.

Of course, we didn’t just concentrate on channeling summer skin and scent. Our roundup also includes makeup, nail polish, hair products, and shower gels, guaranteed to evoke that summery feeling. That’s not to say you shouldn’t use these products during those warm months — that’s how they made our list!

And since each season means something different to everyone, we want to know: What’s your favorite “feels like summer” beauty product? Are we missing anything on our list? Leave your answer in the comment box below.

Click here for the top 10 summer beauty products.