Hottest fashion trends right now?
Gladiator sandals and neon.
Popular places to shop:
We have a mall called “Usce Shopping Center,” and it’s packed with lots of little shops. Brands like Zara, Mango, and Accessorize are very popular here.
Hottest nail polish color right now:
I’m seeing a lot of nudes and neons. As for nail art, ombre nails are really popular.
If you have one day in my city, don’t miss:
First, take a stroll through Knez Mihailova, the main pedestrian zone in Belgrade filled with great little shops. Then, grab a bite at a restaurant in Skadarlija, the bohemian quarter.
Signature yummy food/drink:
We have a signature alcoholic beverage called “rakija,” which is a kind of liqueur made out of distilled alcohol flavored with various fruits.
What I love most about my city:
I like how Belgrade can make you feel like you’re in a big metropolis, and sometimes it just feels like a warm little town.
My city’s style in one sentence:
Very diverse and eclectic — you can see anything on the streets!