Dare: 7 Days of Hair Flair

Braided Ribbon Crown

I saved this look for last. Ever since I saw the Misha Nonoon presentation at this year’s Mercedes-Benz New York Fashion Week, I have been obsessed with the braided ribbon crown. But I thought it looked a little too complicated for a girl who doesn’t like to spend a huge amount of time on her hair. Turns out, I was wrong.

To get this look, I tear up two strips of floral fabric and part my hair down the middle. Next, I French braid one side of my head, starting at the nape of the neck and moving up to the top of my head, using the ribbon as one of the strands. I do the same on the other side, then bobby pinned the two braids on top of one another. Voila!

Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who thought this look was hard to get. All day, everyone asks me how long it took to do my hair. When I reply “15 minutes,” they all look a little shocked. And while I loved this look already, it gets better when I run into the super stylish girl from the office across the hall who always looks amazing. I’m leaving the bathroom as I see her. “I love your hair!” she practically squeals.

Consensus: OK, I know I look a little angry in this photo, but the truth is I love this hair flair and I’ll definitely wear it again.

As for my hair flair dare, I’m not gonna lie — I’m glad it’s OVER. Though it doesn’t take long to throw on a turban or a headband, you have to think about what you’re going to wear in advance, which definitely doesn’t work with my “roll out of bed” morning philosophy. BUT, I am glad I tried a lot of these accessories, and I’ve already prepped my co-workers for the new experiments that’ll be coming out of my cube. Snarky comments be damned.