Extensions for Short Hair

Short hair is easy, trendy, and fun. However, it can put limits on your hairstyle. Extensions for short hair are a simple way to transform your cropped cut to a layered, long look.

If you’re ready to invest in hair extensions, you can have them professionally woven in by your hair stylist. These are braided in to your own hair and will add a lot of volume and thickness to your hair, not to mention length. As your hair grows out, the extensions will begin to droop a bit, so you’ll have to have them rewoven every few weeks, which is an added cost to consider. The initial process of buying the hair and having it put in can cost anywhere from $200-600. Having them rewoven is usually about $100, depending on your stylist. While this is pretty pricey, woven extensions for short hair look natural and are easy to style.

Clip-in hair extensions are a cheaper, more convenient alternative to woven extensions. These can be put in and taken out at will, so when you want to shower or go to the gym, you don’t have to worry about expensive hair extensions getting ruined. They are also more versatile when it comes to updos, especially for short hair. If you’re not quite the hairstyle expert, a stylist can help you cut and style your extensions to blend naturally with your hair.

Extensions for short hair work on any hair that’s at least two inches long, so pretty much anyone (buzzcuts being the exception…) can try them. Hair extensions are a well-kept secret of many celebrities who want thicker, more voluminous hair. To learn more about different types of hair extensions, read Hair Extensions: the Real Deal.