Odd Beauty Secrets from TV Shows

joel mchale

No one’s that tan in real life

Take Joel McHale, for example. He’s very pale-skinned in real life, but his character on “Community” looks tanned. So Lljubo-O’Brien creates a unique hue for him by mixing three different shades of Make Up For Ever HD Foundation, $40, with water, and she applies it to McHale’s face, neck, arms, and hands to create the same tanned look every single day. (Use-at-home tip: If you can’t find the right shade of makeup, mixing two shades together to get your perfect color is a great idea.)

So why not just send him out to get a spray tan? (That’s the first thing I asked.) According to Lljubo-O’Brien, spray tans aren’t consistent. “I prefer to create the tan myself, because I know exactly how to get his perfect shade every time,” she says. Now that’s attention to detail.