Top 10 Prom Nail Art How-tos

nail art for prom

Star Power

Show off your star power with this fun nail design. (Plus, turquoise nails couldn’t be hotter right now.) Here’s how to steal this style:

1. Begin by cutting a half star shape out of painter’s tape. The half star shape should fit on all your nails, or you can create multiple half stars in different sizes.

2. Apply a base coat to your nails.

3. Next, swipe on two coats of a turquoise nail polish to your nails, and add a top coat

4. After the top coat is completely dry, stick on the painter’s tape with the cut out of the half star. Make sure the edges of the tape are firmly attached to the nails. (For this look, the manicurist placed the star coming off the tip of the nails.)

5. Apply two coats of gold nail polish in the cut out portion of the star.

6. Once the gold polish is completely dry, carefully remove the painter’s tape. Apply a top coat to the nails.