5 Hot Spring Lip Colors

I get nostalgic for my grade school days more often than an adult should admit. When I’m chugging coffee, I miss naptime; when I’m getting stir crazy at my desk, I long for a schedule that includes three recesses a day.


And when I find myself automatically shelving that wine lip color come March so I can make room for the new pinks and reds, I start to think about my past relationship with Crayola crayons.


What do my trusty old crayons have to do with spring makeup? Hear me out. I took coloring more seriously than your average adolescent, so I distinctly remember when my back-to-school shopping list finally called for a 64-pack of crayons instead of the measly eight. When I opened that box, gone were the days of lightly shading red to create a knockoff pink. Suddenly I had “Salmon,” “Scarlet,” and “Blush” at my fingertips. Needless to say, my art projects were never the same.

Flash forward to now: I’ve graduated to lip glosses and lipsticks, but when it comes to seasonal variety, I’m falling behind by relying on that metaphorical eight-pack of colors. Sure, there’s nothing wrong with a pink/red spring lipstick, but when I use those same-old colors year after year, I can feel myself falling into a beauty slump, regardless of the changing season.

Luckily, spring’s hottest lip colors promise to be just the push I need to break out of my spring makeup rut. These refreshing tones are different than the usual pinks and reds, and they can instantly breathe a new life into your entire look in just one swipe. Ready to upgrade your shades? Click ahead to check out this spring’s refreshing lip color trends.