Beauty Would You Rather Game

Would you rather wear a smoky eye or bright red lipstick to work?

What our readers said:

Wear a smoky eye to work: 71%

Wear bright red lipstick to work: 29%

The debate:

“There are different levels of smoky eye you can do: it doesn’t have to be the super intense ‘going to a club on Saturday night’ look, you can tone it down and blend it so it looks more natural.”

“A smoky eye with a nude lip can still be understated. You can’t be understated with a red lip.”

“I look hideous in red lipstick — not cheap, but more like a child who got into her mother’s makeup.”


“Red lipstick can be office appropriate because it’s classic. The smoky eye is too much.”

“A smoky eye doesn’t work in teaching.”

“I can’t quite get the smoky eye down so I’d go with the bright lipstick.”