Beauty Would You Rather Game

Would you rather have stick-straight hair or wild and curly hair?

What our readers said:

Have stick-straight hair: 56%

Have wild and curly hair: 44%

The debate:

“It’s easier to look put together with straight hair than messy, curly hair.”

“I think there’s more you can do with straight hair and it’s more manageable.”

“At least with stick-straight hair you know what to expect, wild and curly hair seems to take on a life of its own.”


“Stick-straight hair tends to have less volume and just hangs (probably won’t hold a curl either). Wild, curly hair could be made straight whenever needed, is usually more voluminous and can be styled more.”

“It’s easier to hide my face with wild, curly hair when I don’t want someone to read my emotions.”

“Curly hair is wash and wear — no blow drying!”