Beauty Would You Rather Game

Would you rather win a year’s worth of manicures or a year’s worth of massages?

What our readers said:

Win a year’s worth of massages: 76%

Win a year’s worth of manicures: 24%

The debate:

“I can’t give myself a massage, and I think I give a better manicure at home then most salons.”

“I’m a wife, mom, and teacher. Stress is a part of my life.”

“This is obvious. Massages are more expensive so the value is greater, and massages make your whole world better, manicures just make your nails look better.”


“My boyfriend can’t give me a manicure.”

“I’d get my nails done because they’re always in a state of disrepair and are easily visible. My back pains are personal.”

“Men were created to give us massages, but they suck at giving manicures.”