Can You Be Both Pretty and Smart?

If you had to choose between beauty and brains, which would you pick? Let’s take a look:

Being pretty: OK, so the pros of this one are sort of obvious. Life’s good when you’re hot. You get more attention and better perks than someone who is frumpy and spends her time with her nose buried in a book.

Being smart: It may be hard for some girls to accept, but good looks don’t last forever. You’re more likely to succeed in life if you’ve got smarts, and guys will actually want to talk to you, not just stare at your lady parts.

What? You want to be both pretty and smart? Of course, it’s all about having beauty and brains. And while some people would tell you that it’s not possible, I’m here to tell you that it is — and I’ve got proof.

I found 15 smart celebrities who are more than just a pretty face. They’re gorgeous and talented, but they are also highly educated and seriously intelligent. And while we’re totally jealous of them, they’re breaking perceptions that “pretty girls are dumb and smart girls are plain” — and we can’t help but love them for that.

Curious? Click here to see our countdown of the 15 sexiest smart celebrities (you’ll be shocked to find out who the most brilliant celeb in Hollywood is).