7 Products Your Skin Needs NOW

skin products anti-aging serum

Stop it ahead of time: Wrinkles

Wrinkles are unavoidable. I know that’s the last thing you wanted to hear. Most women even start to see wrinkles at the age of 24. But that doesn’t mean you can’t stop fine lines or crow’s feet from popping up early — it’s all about prevention.

Lines and wrinkles are mainly caused by toxic free radicals in the air, like pollution and UV rays. By supplying your skin with antioxidants — nutrients like vitamins and minerals that help prevent cell damage — “you’ll strengthen your skin’s barrier and help it withstand the elements better,” says Bell.

So look for ingredients like green tea, coffee berry extract, or vitamins C and E in your beauty products. Also, try to use these products at night before you go to bed. It will help undo the damage from being outside all day, says Bell.

Products to try:

SkinMedica 15% AHA/BHA Cream, $40

Priori Night Complex, $83

Philosophy Miracle Worker Anti-Aging Concentrate, $62