Jealous of girls with long hair? Wish you could be edgy enough to sport short hair? I know how you feel — having medium length hair meant that I was always looking for hairstyles that actually work on my own hair.
Then I found some gorgeous medium hairstyles worn by celebrities, and I couldn’t believe how perfect they were for me. The styles range from tousled braids to sleek buns, and it’s like they were made for girls with medium length hair.
Click here to see the gallery of celebrity medium length hairstyles
Plus, having shoulder-length hair has never been trendier, according to Brian Zinno, Educational Director at
Antonio Prieto Salon in NYC. Medium-length hairstyles are “hot for spring,” he says. One of his favorite looks is “a long bob with a heavy fringe. It’s a built in style that looks great and requires little styling or maintenance.”
So now that you’re convinced you can wear some of the hottest hairstyles out there (I know my search has come to an end), you’ll love all of the looks I found. They’re worn by celebs known for their medium length hair, like Selena Gomez, Heidi Klum, Carrie Underwood and Jessica Alba, just to name a few.
By the way, if you’re growing your hair out, we totally understand those awkward stages along the way. But unlike popular belief, you should still go in for regular trims. “Getting little trims can minimize those stages,” Zinno says. “If you wait until the point of your hair needing a haircut because the ends are so damaged, more hair has to be cut off and it will feel like forever before your hair is at the length you want,” he says.
Click here to see the best hairstyles for medium length hair