Say What? Beauty Brand Pronunciation Guide

shu uemura pronunciation

Shu Uemura

Say it like this: shoe oo-eh-moor-ah (According to the company, “if you want to be really authentic, soften the R and make more of a D sound.”)

Shu Uemura was a Japanese makeup artist who left Tokyo in the late ’50s for the bright lights of Hollywood. He achieved great success for his makeup work on the film “My Geisha,” and launched his own beauty line in 1960. Uemura’s first product? A cleansing oil that hydrated the skin and purified pores better than soap. Now owned by L’Oreal, Shu Uemura (the brand) still sticks to Uemura’s (the person) basic philosophy: The health of a customer’s skin is the most important aspect of cosmetics. We definitely agree.

Click on the video to hear the correct pronunciation of the beauty product.