9 Things to Steal from Mom’s Closet

Mother’s Day is fast approaching. Now, you could make your mom another ashtray or do the whole macaroni-glued-on-a-card thing like you did in second grade — buuuut, those are pretty lame gifts.

Here’s a better idea: why not spend some quality time with mom on Mother’s Day? And why not spend that time raiding her closet for the latest spring trends? What, you don’t think your mom’s worn anything trendy since 1978? Well, that’s exactly my point.

The trends for spring 2011 are all about the ’70s and ’90s with a modern twist. So, depending on when your mom was a teen/20-something and how much of a pack rat she is, you could be sitting on a gold mine of trendy clothes.

Click here to see what you should steal from mom’s closet.

Think about it: you get to wear the latest trends for free, you spend some girl-time with mom, and she gets to feel cool for having trendy clothes. One catch: be prepared to hear a lot of stories starting with “oh, I remember when I wore this …” (it’s totally worth it though).

Of course, not all your mom’s old clothes are worth digging up (like the ones from the ’80s, just say no!), that’s why we talked to stylist Ashley Roberts. She helped us sort the cute from the cringe-worthy and gave us some great tips to add a modern spin to your mom’s old clothes and jewelry.

All you have to do is read this article for tips, and then get ready to spend some closet time with mom on Mother’s Day. You’ll both walk away smiling — she with some fond memories and you with an armful of clothes.

Click here to see what you should steal from mom’s closet.