7 Skin Care Myths — Busted

the scoop on oil-free skin products skin tips

Myth No. 4: Always Use Oil-Free Products

If you have oily skin, the last thing you probably want to lather on is more oil … but you probably should. According to Dr. Semira Bayati, an Orange County, Calif.-based cosmetic plastic surgeon, even the oiliest skin needs moisture. Since some many acne products strip the skin of oil, causing it to dry out, your skin will produce more oil to replace it.

Even if you have healthy skin, you should consider using an oil-based moisturizer. Spunt and Connor believe everyone needs oil — as long as it’s the right kind. “There are some, like argan and coconut oil, that are skin compatible, absorb well, and even work [to prevent] acne,” they say. “[These oils] have antibacterial properties and can help balance the skin.”